
not my boss or co-worker or customer, but still has power & is trying to lord it over me

Don't want to get too bogged down in the context but tl;dr: My job is to work on this one project for a group of organizations that decided they wanted the project done. One of the organization's reps, who played a big role in getting the project off the ground, is trying to dump their other non-project work on me. They are not my boss or co-worker. We do not even work for the same employer. They are pretty chummy with my boss though, so they do have some power. I'm sure my boss would pick them over me in a conflict. This person has pretty quickly gone from asking for favours to telling me what to do. I slightly pushed back on the last one, giving them more “here's how to help yourself” type of help instead of just doing it for them. Welp, they've now scheduled a meeting…

Don't want to get too bogged down in the context but tl;dr:

My job is to work on this one project for a group of organizations that decided they wanted the project done. One of the organization's reps, who played a big role in getting the project off the ground, is trying to dump their other non-project work on me.

They are not my boss or co-worker. We do not even work for the same employer. They are pretty chummy with my boss though, so they do have some power. I'm sure my boss would pick them over me in a conflict.

This person has pretty quickly gone from asking for favours to telling me what to do. I slightly pushed back on the last one, giving them more “here's how to help yourself” type of help instead of just doing it for them.

Welp, they've now scheduled a meeting with my boss to discuss this. (I saw it in my boss's calendar.) So they're like that – escalating rather than dealing with their own work themselves.

The capper is that I have PLENTY of work to do with the project and a big deadline looming. They know that, or should, but I think they are just far too self-centred to think of it.

Oh, the other capper is that this person is a big follower of a famous self-help spirituality scammer figure. Just really interesting to see how they respond when someone sets boundaries with them.

Anyway I guess this is more of a vent. I don't think there is much I can do about this situation.

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