
Not Paid Last Paycheck

I am looking for some advice on getting my last paycheck. It’s been around 30 days since I no call no showed (not sure if this counts as termination or quitting) and have yet to receive my final check yet in the state I live in a maximum of 15 days is allowed to pass before receiving the final check. They were hacked months ago and have been using this as an excuse. They seem to be trying to stall out paying me as long as they can. They owe me 100 hours of regular pay and 40 hours of overtime pay. I don’t think I am in a union and when I called the labor department for wage concerns I was just put on hold for an hour before hanging up. Looking on some advice on getting this final paycheck and moving on with my life.

I am looking for some advice on getting my last paycheck. It’s been around 30 days since I no call no showed (not sure if this counts as termination or quitting) and have yet to receive my final check yet in the state I live in a maximum of 15 days is allowed to pass before receiving the final check. They were hacked months ago and have been using this as an excuse. They seem to be trying to stall out paying me as long as they can. They owe me 100 hours of regular pay and 40 hours of overtime pay. I don’t think I am in a union and when I called the labor department for wage concerns I was just put on hold for an hour before hanging up. Looking on some advice on getting this final paycheck and moving on with my life.

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