
Not Paid Overtime and Not Paid my 2 week wage

Hello, I was not paid overtime on yesterday. My manager changed my shift to an hour later on the work schedule. Yet, she does not know that I took a screenshot of the work schedule days ago, showing evidence she changed the work schedule to allow me not to get overtime. Additionally, I still have not received my paycheck for TWO work periods. I have called my store manager today, and she said the only thing she can do is call HR. I would like to know if I am able to get compensation for having my two pay periods without any wages paid. Keep in mind, I am a minor.

Hello, I was not paid overtime on yesterday. My manager changed my shift to an hour later on the work schedule. Yet, she does not know that I took a screenshot of the work schedule days ago, showing evidence she changed the work schedule to allow me not to get overtime. Additionally, I still have not received my paycheck for TWO work periods. I have called my store manager today, and she said the only thing she can do is call HR. I would like to know if I am able to get compensation for having my two pay periods without any wages paid. Keep in mind, I am a minor.

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