
Not quiet quitting, working-to-rule, AKA, doing what’s in the contract.

Back in the back in the day, my province had teacher's strikes. However, the step before a full strike was a partial strike called “Work-to-rule.” Basically, teachers would only do what is specified in their contracts. I.e., teachers are allotted 25 minutes per day to grade work? then they only do 25 minutes. No overtime pay or other acknowledgement of organizing/managing extra-curriculars? They don't happen. It was rough for both students and teachers, but I felt it is a more appropriate term than “quiet quitting,” which implies no work being done.

Back in the back in the day, my province had teacher's strikes. However, the step before a full strike was a partial strike called “Work-to-rule.” Basically, teachers would only do what is specified in their contracts. I.e., teachers are allotted 25 minutes per day to grade work? then they only do 25 minutes. No overtime pay or other acknowledgement of organizing/managing extra-curriculars? They don't happen. It was rough for both students and teachers, but I felt it is a more appropriate term than “quiet quitting,” which implies no work being done.

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