
Not really to do with work but links in with it delete if not allowed.

Ok so a little story for you I really wanted to work with children when I was in school but when we had a careers person come in to talk to us individually this is common in UK and I think America too? So I went in with my plan I told the woman what I wanted to do and the first thing she said was “oh why it's female dominated let's pick your second choice”. So I went with Animal care as I also love animals so she gives me leaflets to do with animal care courses fast forward about a year I'm in college and absolutely hate my life and mu choice of course finished first year went back for 2nd year and dropped out when I could, another year later I got a job at a nursery loved it it was exactly what I wanted moved away…

Ok so a little story for you I really wanted to work with children when I was in school but when we had a careers person come in to talk to us individually this is common in UK and I think America too? So I went in with my plan I told the woman what I wanted to do and the first thing she said was “oh why it's female dominated let's pick your second choice”.

So I went with Animal care as I also love animals so she gives me leaflets to do with animal care courses fast forward about a year I'm in college and absolutely hate my life and mu choice of course finished first year went back for 2nd year and dropped out when I could, another year later I got a job at a nursery loved it it was exactly what I wanted moved away to live with my partner and now I'm stuck not getting my dream job because I didn't study that in college.

Morale of this story? If you're in school still and your careers adviser tries to tell you not to do something because of a stupid reason dont give in fight for it otherwise you end up hating every other job you do wishing and waiting for that chance to get that joy and happiness back!

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