
Not showing up at work…worked

Not my story, my coworkers at my last shit company I quit a while ago So my friend, we’re gonna call him D, was making $18/hr as a Customer Support Specialist at a small tech company. Thing is, he’s a fucking genius. And he was not customer support, he was coding, did QA, literally the only person at the company who had the skills of an engineer at the time. He was 23. One day he told our boss he wasn’t coming to work again until they gave him $100k and a QA engineer title. Our abusive boss laughed it off and was like “he’ll be here tomorrow.” Nope, wasn’t there tomorrow. Or the next day. Or the next day. After about a week of not showing up and the company going to shit, they gave him $100k salary and a QA Engineer title because they knew they were fucked.…

Not my story, my coworkers at my last shit company I quit a while ago

So my friend, we’re gonna call him D, was making $18/hr as a Customer Support Specialist at a small tech company. Thing is, he’s a fucking genius. And he was not customer support, he was coding, did QA, literally the only person at the company who had the skills of an engineer at the time. He was 23.

One day he told our boss he wasn’t coming to work again until they gave him $100k and a QA engineer title. Our abusive boss laughed it off and was like “he’ll be here tomorrow.” Nope, wasn’t there tomorrow. Or the next day. Or the next day.

After about a week of not showing up and the company going to shit, they gave him $100k salary and a QA Engineer title because they knew they were fucked.

Everyone, demand what you’re worth. He was worth more and probably would have gotten it, but still. Also, when I quit I reported my boss to HR for every type of abuse there is, screenshots and everything…and he got promoted.

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