
Not sure if this qualifies as antiwork but here goes.

Our cleaning lady's next house to be cleaned this morning canceled last minute. I know the cleaning lae bdy is just scraping by. She officially charges $15 / hr but after 2 1/2 hrs we give her $ 60. When we found out about the other client, we offered more work sweeping and straightening out the basement. She did that too quickly. We gave her $100. She said we made her day. We said she made ours because we feel so blessed that we could help. We try to do our part. and

Our cleaning lady's next house to be cleaned this morning canceled last minute. I know the cleaning lae bdy is just scraping by. She officially charges $15 / hr but after 2 1/2 hrs we give her $ 60. When we found out about the other client, we offered more work sweeping and straightening out the basement. She did that too quickly. We gave her $100. She said we made her day. We said she made ours because we feel so blessed that we could help. We try to do our part. and

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