
Not sure what I can do except vent and submit.

Truck driver here. Was hired almost a year ago. Before I got hired, and during negotiations I said I only wanted to work approx. 40 hours per week which (in this business) works out to 4 days on, 3 days off because we work anywhere from 9-11 hours a day and sometimes more. Boss agreed. I didn't get it in writing (yeah, I'm stupid I guess, just wanted to get off on the right foot with a little trust). In the first week I had told dispatch about the deal. I didn't hear any complaints/objections. First few months everything was going well. I'd say to dispatch “I'd like X day off please” and it would just happen. Summer hits and we get busier and I start hearing “not this week”… I'm ok with that, I understand how to give and take. After several weeks of 'not this week' I mentioned…

Truck driver here. Was hired almost a year ago. Before I got hired, and during negotiations I said I only wanted to work approx. 40 hours per week which (in this business) works out to 4 days on, 3 days off because we work anywhere from 9-11 hours a day and sometimes more.

Boss agreed. I didn't get it in writing (yeah, I'm stupid I guess, just wanted to get off on the right foot with a little trust).

In the first week I had told dispatch about the deal. I didn't hear any complaints/objections.

First few months everything was going well. I'd say to dispatch “I'd like X day off please” and it would just happen.

Summer hits and we get busier and I start hearing “not this week”… I'm ok with that, I understand how to give and take.

After several weeks of 'not this week' I mentioned the 4 on 3 off to dispatch and he was like “what?”

So, even though it was working out I don't think he was actually told that was the deal, or he forgot about it… I don't know.

Then my truck broke down and they put me in the 'backup' truck. It's a piece of trash. It's really just used temporarily in such situations. I was told I'd get my truck back soon. Then I see them training new guys in my truck. Then the new guy has my truck permanently. When I asked i was told “he can't drive manual”… Oh that's nice. Then I find out the new guys make $2 more and hour than me.

I was told to be patient.

This truck was kicking my ass physically. Started getting back pain, sore everything, headaches (it's really loud). I made appointments to see a chiropractor. I ended up taking 3 or 4 sick days over this 6 week period.

A couple weeks ago I get a better truck. Not as good as my first one but omg it's a lot better. Then boss emails me that he understands what I've been going through and gave me a dollar raise. A couple days later he's say (verbally) I didn't match you with the other guys because they work more but let me know if you want to work more and I'll do it.

I replied via email thanking him and explained that I've been 'chasing' the 4 on 3 off.

Basically what I'm saying is, I'm getting less than the other guys but I'm not really getting 4/3.

Here's where it gets stupid. HR lady (bosses mom) comes in talking about how there was no agreement. Basically saying “show me the agreement in writing”… it doesn't exist. Now she's talking about my 'absenteeism'. UGH.

The thing is, if I was fired, I think I have enough to demonstrate that there was some sort of deal. She even said it herself once. She said “what we said was, we'd work with you” and I have a text from dispatch saying “we'll get you back to 4 on 3 off when it slows down in a couple weeks” and of course I can show that for many months I was working 4/3 and no one said shit. And I haven't gotten any verbal or written warning. But the message is pretty clear… “you're on thin ice and if I want to change the deal I have a case for CAUSE (absenteeism)”

Like, ok, 1. if you want to change the deal… just come talk to me about it. They don't want to do that because I've been pretty clear I don't wanna work more and if they demanded I work more I'd want more money. More than the new guys.

  1. If you really don't like my work you can still fire me without cause, you'd just have to pay me 2 weeks. But they don't want to do that because then I'd get employment insurance.

  2. so it seems she'd rather go to war. So it's submit or we'll burn you to the ground. But yet the boss just gave me a raise. And I got a thank you note last week for 'driver appreciation'. I don't even think the boss and the dispatcher care. But HR is making it her mission – personal vendetta, it seems.

This is so messed up. I actually like it there. But now I know I can't trust their 'word' so that's not good. I've been looking/applying at other jobs. Even had an interview. But this place is still better… well… it would be if they'd just stick to the original deal. Otherwise, I can go to another place, make a couple bucks more, but have to work 55 hours a week. I was perfectly willing to accept less money in exchange for the fewer hours.

Any advice? I know, I just gotta suck it up right? Ugh. This is the problem with work. Always has been. This is the reason for /r/antiwork. Like, we're all in business right? And business depends on setting and meeting expectations that are negotiated up front. But they always want 'more' but don't wanna give more.

I think that when I got hired they were desperate. It was still COVID time and they had a hard time getting current or new drivers that were vaxxed and willing/able to cross the border. Now that things are almost back to normal I think they somehow feel like I'm taking advantage of them. And they want more money of course.

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