
Not working so much anymore

Hi, I have to get something off my chest, and I guess this is the place. I work in a factory, phisical work. I cut door fillings, not really a difficult job aside then pyisical hard work. I work where there used to be 3 shifts, because workers didn't do much and did it slowly. I work only one shift and bearly manage it. I don't take breaks apart meal break. At start, I was getting minimum wage and work overtime to fill daily orders. Now I got so good at it, I found where to cut corners to do it faster, and do orders daily in 8hr. I got the pay raised after quitting the job 2 times for 300€ more. The guy that is in charge of workers in down part of factory, never said how well I am doing or anything. Few days ago said I am…


I have to get something off my chest, and I guess this is the place.

I work in a factory, phisical work. I cut door fillings, not really a difficult job aside then pyisical hard work. I work where there used to be 3 shifts, because workers didn't do much and did it slowly. I work only one shift and bearly manage it. I don't take breaks apart meal break.

At start, I was getting minimum wage and work overtime to fill daily orders. Now I got so good at it, I found where to cut corners to do it faster, and do orders daily in 8hr.

I got the pay raised after quitting the job 2 times for 300€ more. The guy that is in charge of workers in down part of factory, never said how well I am doing or anything. Few days ago said I am bothering lady workers because I went out of my way to bring door parts as they were needed badly, waited for them to finish and bring it to me to finish the door, to send it futher.

I am done. I get paid half a minimum wage more, not even that, and I do the job for 6 people. The work got harder and the things that have to be done more complicated. I said I am not working so much anymore and I will be only doing what others used to do. It's not worth it.

I calculated and I lift about 10,000 kg in 8 hours. Fuck this.

They now either paying me 3x minimum salery, (3 for me, 3 for them, as they had 6 guys) or I am not working as Much. And trust me, paying me even 5 saleries is worth for them. Then I am doing it.

Sorry for ranting.

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