
nothing to do at work got me into trouble

Tonight I was in the last our of my shift and there was literally nothing for me to do. I'm not the type of person to sit idle while work needs to be done but I was just trying to kill time (because they won't let me go home early) so I was browsing the internet looking at washing machines and one of my group leads says “What are you doing?”, I reply “Well there's nothing for me to do so-“, she cuts me off “There's plenty for you to do, you can do that at home, that's not for here.” In a very unpleasant tone. I'm like totally caught off gaurd because the other group lead has seen he browsing the internet before and was like asking me about the stuff I was looking at, very interested and nice, he never reprimanded me like she did. I've seen other…

Tonight I was in the last our of my shift and there was literally nothing for me to do. I'm not the type of person to sit idle while work needs to be done but I was just trying to kill time (because they won't let me go home early) so I was browsing the internet looking at washing machines and one of my group leads says “What are you doing?”, I reply “Well there's nothing for me to do so-“, she cuts me off “There's plenty for you to do, you can do that at home, that's not for here.” In a very unpleasant tone. I'm like totally caught off gaurd because the other group lead has seen he browsing the internet before and was like asking me about the stuff I was looking at, very interested and nice, he never reprimanded me like she did. I've seen other people sitting at their desk in the last hour just on their phone. I don't even keep my phone on me at work. I always see her talking and laughing etc, like it's okay for her to do nothing on the clock apparently. There was literally nothing for me to do, and I hate not being busy because the time goes by so slowly, so I was just trying to kill time. I don't know if she is going to escalate this, but wish me luck tomorrow.

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