
Nothing to Do But Not Allowed to Chill In The Open

At the moment we are correctly staffed however our workload is small due to external issues. The problem is that when we get our small task list done we are expected to “look busy”. Our shift is 10+hrs. Currently we are sweeping floors over and over again and wiping pipes. Maybe sneaking phone breaks here and there. But this is bullshit to me. Why can’t I just sit down and relax before our busy season hits us like a train? They do need us on site for once an hour checks but to make us believe we need to fill the whole gap with mindless activities that do nothing is stupid as hell.

At the moment we are correctly staffed however our workload is small due to external issues.

The problem is that when we get our small task list done we are expected to “look busy”.

Our shift is 10+hrs. Currently we are sweeping floors over and over again and wiping pipes. Maybe sneaking phone breaks here and there.

But this is bullshit to me. Why can’t I just sit down and relax before our busy season hits us like a train? They do need us on site for once an hour checks but to make us believe we need to fill the whole gap with mindless activities that do nothing is stupid as hell.

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