
Nothing will change until the ridiculous attitude of going above and beyond ends.

I don’t care how old or young you are, if you believe any of that shit you’re a boomer. I hate the people that come Stanton criticize doing the bare minimum. I hate people that tell you that you should always be positive and it will be repaid to you. I hate the people that try for their stupid gold star by going above and beyond. As long as these people exist we will continue to be taken advantage of. They allow companies to not pay more because there will always be simps who are brainwashed into believing going the extra mile will benefit themselves How do we stop it?

I don’t care how old or young you are, if you believe any of that shit you’re a boomer. I hate the people that come Stanton criticize doing the bare minimum. I hate people that tell you that you should always be positive and it will be repaid to you. I hate the people that try for their stupid gold star by going above and beyond.

As long as these people exist we will continue to be taken advantage of. They allow companies to not pay more because there will always be simps who are brainwashed into believing going the extra mile will benefit themselves

How do we stop it?

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