
Now is the time

It's time to fight for our rights, for social services and for the labor movement. Although not from the people's fault, attention has been finally successfully diverted from the labor movement. This isn't the fault of anyone but the conflicts (Russia vs Ukraine vs NATO vs US). It does however present us with a window of opportunity where we can either organize better or fall apart. The best thing we can do from the US perspective is to stop politicians that want to turn Ukraine into the next shelled out nation that nobody can live on. We can stop the rise of evangelicals and their book burnings and support for Putin and a warmongering state. We can stop politicians from going to the conflict to rob and steal from another country. But it starts here. Couch activism where we post online about it the war will not stop any politicians.…

It's time to fight for our rights, for social services and for the labor movement. Although not from the people's fault, attention has been finally successfully diverted from the labor movement. This isn't the fault of anyone but the conflicts (Russia vs Ukraine vs NATO vs US). It does however present us with a window of opportunity where we can either organize better or fall apart.

The best thing we can do from the US perspective is to stop politicians that want to turn Ukraine into the next shelled out nation that nobody can live on. We can stop the rise of evangelicals and their book burnings and support for Putin and a warmongering state. We can stop politicians from going to the conflict to rob and steal from another country. But it starts here. Couch activism where we post online about it the war will not stop any politicians. Because have no doubt, they are the evil ones pulling the strings, not Russians, not Ukrainians (though some sources would have you believe they're all Nazis) .

What are your ideas on how to advance further? How can we divert the movement and move forward? Because if we go to war, you know they will be charging us thousands of dollars for the “care” of patching someone up after they're shot. If you're in the hospital for surviving an attack, they'll still bill you into bankruptcy. Capitalism will advance more.

We should join together. The time is now.

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