
Nursing homes are and will remain dangerous places to live because they are legally understaffed and staff is unethically, vastly underpaid

And yes, there are some absolute shit people who work in Nursing homes who shouldn’t be there. However, these places are set up to fail, because they are legally permitted to have what most healthcare workers think are dangerous staffing ratios. The work is extremely difficult, physically and often emotionally. Legally, these places do not need to have people with more advanced levels of medical training on site at all times (such as an RN). This is not to diss CNAs or personal care aides, but staff who are trained to handle medical events, or more medically complex events should always have to be on site…and legally, they don’t have to be. Saves these places money. Until these things change, nursing homes, care homes, assisted living, will fall short on proper care and patient safety. Why be paid poverty wages to handle human waste, have a daily risk of injury…

And yes, there are some absolute shit people who work in Nursing homes who shouldn’t be there. However, these places are set up to fail, because they are legally permitted to have what most healthcare workers think are dangerous staffing ratios. The work is extremely difficult, physically and often emotionally. Legally, these places do not need to have people with more advanced levels of medical training on site at all times (such as an RN). This is not to diss CNAs or personal care aides, but staff who are trained to handle medical events, or more medically complex events should always have to be on site…and legally, they don’t have to be. Saves these places money. Until these things change, nursing homes, care homes, assisted living, will fall short on proper care and patient safety.

Why be paid poverty wages to handle human waste, have a daily risk of injury in order to help mobilize residents, when you can make more money working just about anywhere else?

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