
NYC mayor wants to end remote work = infuriating!!

Where do I begin on how irritating this is. Per Forbes article: “New York City Mayor Eric Adams met with 100 chief executive officers, in an effort to cajole them “to get their workers back into the office to stimulate the city’s economy.” He told the business leaders it was time to get their workers back in offices, stating that the lack of people commuting into the Big Apple hurts the city’s economy.” So you need people to physically go to work because the process of them leaving their home forces them to spend money to stimulate the economy… this is basically a Ponzi scheme. We are more efficient on zoom and this has slowed transactions in the city — so you’re saying we should all be more inefficient just so we can spend money getting coffee with colleagues or buying over-priced salads for lunch or getting $18 after-work drinks…

Where do I begin on how irritating this is.

Per Forbes article: “New York City Mayor Eric Adams met with 100 chief executive officers, in an effort to cajole them “to get their workers back into the office to stimulate the city’s economy.” He told the business leaders it was time to get their workers back in offices, stating that the lack of people commuting into the Big Apple hurts the city’s economy.”

So you need people to physically go to work because the process of them leaving their home forces them to spend money to stimulate the economy… this is basically a Ponzi scheme.

We are more efficient on zoom and this has slowed transactions in the city — so you’re saying we should all be more inefficient just so we can spend money getting coffee with colleagues or buying over-priced salads for lunch or getting $18 after-work drinks and thus sustain an inflated number of businesses.

Instead of thinking outside the box and reimagining how midtown or the fidi could be it’s all about just going back to the way things were even though that is actually so much less productive.

Companies and CEOs need to face the facts that WFH/remote work is here to stay and it sucks that it took a freaking pandemic to show these micromanaging assholes that a little work/life balance is not just more productive for business but better for employees. God forbid they do anything to make an employee’s life easier or better.

The fact that I don’t have to waste precious hours of my day commuting makes me more productive and my mental health suffers less now that I’m not in some office with some stupid Karen and her office politics giving me anxiety.

The problem is that the supply (all these businesses that are proving to be unnecessary in such large quantities) exceeds the demand now and instead of reevaluating what you’re supplying the mayor of the nations biggest city is like let’s force people to go back to the office just so that people are forced to spend money and therefore the economy will be stimulated. STFU!

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