
Off LOA but for months but haven’t been reassigned or been paid

Hey everyone! Apologies if this is the wrong spot but here goes: This takes place in California. My wife was on an approved LOA for about two months. Her doctor said she shouldn't be in a work environment with 50+ people in a small room where she can barely move around. All the proper paperwork was turned in to the employer on time (doctor's note with above restrictions, etc). Her leave ended in June and she has been in contact with HR since a week before that date. HR has been pretty dodgy in answering her emails and they still have not found her a new position, even when my wife accepted that she may have to take a pay cut to move. It's now about two months since my wife's official return date; she is still without a new position and, on top of it all, hasn't been paid…

Hey everyone! Apologies if this is the wrong spot but here goes:

This takes place in California.

My wife was on an approved LOA for about two months. Her doctor said she shouldn't be in a work environment with 50+ people in a small room where she can barely move around. All the proper paperwork was turned in to the employer on time (doctor's note with above restrictions, etc). Her leave ended in June and she has been in contact with HR since a week before that date.

HR has been pretty dodgy in answering her emails and they still have not found her a new position, even when my wife accepted that she may have to take a pay cut to move. It's now about two months since my wife's official return date; she is still without a new position and, on top of it all, hasn't been paid since. Are there any particular resources we should be looking into, perhaps something within the ADA? It doesn't seem right that HR can essentially leave you on hold for months, without pay, while they drag their ass in locating a new spot (something which should have been done prior to her even returning from leave). My wife has been just as stressed with this whole situation as she was before even going on LOA and I hate seeing her like this.

Thanks for any help!

Edit: D'oh, messed up the title! Should've waited until I got home instead of typing this all on a phone.

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