
Offer from a competitor

So, I got an offer from a direct competitor (+25k over current salary). First off, I consider myself lucky to be in such a “dilemma”. I really like me current team but the hours are long (6:30-4:30 and then usually work after dinner). I only know the positives with the 2nd company and I’m sure the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Do I jump ship and leave a team I like but with a bad work/life balance? Do I try to leverage the offer for more money/better workload at my current company? Some 3rd or 4th alternative?

So, I got an offer from a direct competitor (+25k over current salary). First off, I consider myself lucky to be in such a “dilemma”.
I really like me current team but the hours are long (6:30-4:30 and then usually work after dinner). I only know the positives with the 2nd company and I’m sure the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Do I jump ship and leave a team I like but with a bad work/life balance? Do I try to leverage the offer for more money/better workload at my current company? Some 3rd or 4th alternative?

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