
Office work used as punishment. No WFH for you because you resigned.

WFH for people is an important consideration in jobs. The flexibility, lower stress and cost savings make WFH, even if part-time, a significant consideration when choosing a job or moving on. This is obvious, and companies know this. My daughter has been working remotely for a company since she started with them, which was one reason she took the job. Recently they decided to get offices. Why? Because they felt it would be nice to collaborate and get together. She complained and mentioned that not only is her work better done remotely, but it will cost extra money and time (duh) to get to the office and back. They “compromised” by saying she only needs to come in 3 days a week. Some days there are only three people in the office. So much for “collaboration”. Anyway, she was offered a better position (more money and full-time WFH) and approached…

WFH for people is an important consideration in jobs. The flexibility, lower stress and cost savings make WFH, even if part-time, a significant consideration when choosing a job or moving on. This is obvious, and companies know this.

My daughter has been working remotely for a company since she started with them, which was one reason she took the job. Recently they decided to get offices. Why? Because they felt it would be nice to collaborate and get together. She complained and mentioned that not only is her work better done remotely, but it will cost extra money and time (duh) to get to the office and back.

They “compromised” by saying she only needs to come in 3 days a week. Some days there are only three people in the office. So much for “collaboration”. Anyway, she was offered a better position (more money and full-time WFH) and approached her company to see if they would counteroffer. She mentioned it was not just about the money, but the working conditions. They offered her an increase in salary, but not immediately. Salary will be increased incrementally over a few months. No mention of remote work.

She reiterated that the money is just part of the reason she was looking and the flexible work environment was a bit thing. They offered her a set amount of WFH days per year which she can “cash in” when she felt like it. She, of course, elected to take the new job and resigned. What is her punishment – she has to be in the office daily till she has worked her notice period.

So companies definitely know what they are doing – WFH benefits everyone, companies and employees alike, but they will choose to “punish” employees by giving them office hours just so they can maintain some facade of control.

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