
officially reached my bullshit limit

Im a single mom with 3 kids and I work 3ish jobs: freelance massage, bartending, & OF. Im also studying to get a personal training certification so that way I can have lots of irons in the fire and not be dependent on one job. Bartending is for a small(3 store) family owned restaurant. The owner and her daughter run it and they run it HORRIBLY. Not that it matters but I used to help manage a chain restaurant in town so I am aware of California labor laws and how to successfully run a restaurant shift. Background: The owners are unbearable but not unique—constantly texting on days off (“what happened with X on the counter”), watching the cameras from home and calling to say stop standing around, retaliating against employees by taking them off the schedule for a week when they don’t come in for an extra shift/stay late,…

Im a single mom with 3 kids and I work 3ish jobs: freelance massage, bartending, & OF. Im also studying to get a personal training certification so that way I can have lots of irons in the fire and not be dependent on one job.

Bartending is for a small(3 store) family owned restaurant. The owner and her daughter run it and they run it HORRIBLY. Not that it matters but I used to help manage a chain restaurant in town so I am aware of California labor laws and how to successfully run a restaurant shift.

The owners are unbearable but not unique—constantly texting on days off (“what happened with X on the counter”), watching the cameras from home and calling to say stop standing around, retaliating against employees by taking them off the schedule for a week when they don’t come in for an extra shift/stay late, etc. One of the things that pissed me off the most was that she said she expected all the employees to buy potholders for the kitchen as everyone should chip in. I’ve taken a peak at a P&L report and she nets about 15-20k a month from that location alone—yet expects her minimum wage employees to bring in potholders once a month. Also, NO employee discount or meals. Theres literally no incentive to work here. Needless to say I think she’s full of shit and I don’t do more than asked. If my coworkers are in a bind I gladly pick up shifts FOR THEM. But I don’t bend over for her or her daughter and they’ve learned to not ask me. They’ve given the “no one wants to work” speech out loud and often and all new hires don’t last more than 3 shifts so all in all…they need me.

What happened:
Obviously since I don’t respect them I do whatever I please within reason. I take care of the guests, help my coworkers with unruly guests or computer issues, I’m basically a manager on duty. So when the owner called the restaurant and i saw her on caller ID I answered “thank you for calling our competition across the street how can I help you?” She flipped. I brushed it off (again, don’t care) but that night she told the dinner crew she was going to fire me over it as soon as she could get a replacement.

Soooo with the venting off my chest here is the question: I’m quitting at the end of the month if she doesn’t fire me first…What kind of Kevin McAllister, Dennis Reynolds, Johnny Knoxville chaos can I cause so every shift there will be fun for me but a headache for her? Fart bomb in the bathroom? Toy roaches strategically placed? This is mental warfare chicken and I hope to win.

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