
Oh look, quarterly profits are up again.

Fucking hell I’m tired of this. Wife and I both work full time but are just barely keeping our heads above water. We’re usually more concerned with keeping the kids fed and happy so we end up not eating a lot of times. But then I get to work to see a mass email from the ceo about “growth” and “expanding our customer base” because they’re hitting record gains. It’s a slap in my goddamn face because they constantly close it with “you’re the heart of everything we do”. There’s my rant. Im done.

Fucking hell I’m tired of this. Wife and I both work full time but are just barely keeping our heads above water. We’re usually more concerned with keeping the kids fed and happy so we end up not eating a lot of times.

But then I get to work to see a mass email from the ceo about “growth” and “expanding our customer base” because they’re hitting record gains. It’s a slap in my goddamn face because they constantly close it with “you’re the heart of everything we do”. There’s my rant. Im done.

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