
Old Betty breaks her record for fastest times insult.

I’ve posted here before about her and her constant bullying and complaining non-stop. I also posted in r/talesfromyourserver about how she didn’t think the bus boy deserved tips. Today I arrived for my opening shift (9am) only to find the prep cook. He said that the line cook hadn’t shown up yet. We aren’t usually busy until 11am so no big deal, me and the prep cook could handle it. I got set up and not long after a tables of 6 came in for breakfast. I sat them, took their order, blah blah blah, the usual stuff. Me and the prep cook started to make the order and about half way through Betty walks in with a grumpy face. The following conversation occurs: Betty: “what’s going on?” Me: “we have 6 people for breakfast.” Betty: “then go back out so I can do it.” Me: “we have it started…

I’ve posted here before about her and her constant bullying and complaining non-stop. I also posted in r/talesfromyourserver about how she didn’t think the bus boy deserved tips.

Today I arrived for my opening shift (9am) only to find the prep cook. He said that the line cook hadn’t shown up yet. We aren’t usually busy until 11am so no big deal, me and the prep cook could handle it. I got set up and not long after a tables of 6 came in for breakfast. I sat them, took their order, blah blah blah, the usual stuff. Me and the prep cook started to make the order and about half way through Betty walks in with a grumpy face. The following conversation occurs:

Betty: “what’s going on?”
Me: “we have 6 people for breakfast.”
Betty: “then go back out so I can do it.”
Me: “we have it started already.”
Betty: “I’ll do, it go away.”

Alright. I go back out front and refill some coffees, come back into the kitchen with the coffee pot.

Betty: “you should have told them to leave. You and prep cook don’t know how to cook anything here at all!”
Me: pretends to not hear and walks away

I looked at my watch and she hadn’t been here for 5 minutes. 5 minutes and she has already insulted the only other two workers on shift. I just shrugged it off at first because I’m sick of working with her.

Anyway the food went out and every single person wanted over easy eggs. Guess how many eggs were over easy? NONE. THEY WERE BURT BROWN. 4 people sent the eggs back.

Betty: “what’s wrong with it?”
Me: “they’re over done.”
Betty: “well you put them on too early this is why you shouldn’t be cooking.” shakes a dirty spatula at me
Me: “just re-do them.”

Lady’s and gentlemen, I had not had a single egg in the pan when she got there. The eggs get done last because they take so little time to cook. DUH. But apparently frying an egg is rocket science.

I brought the new eggs out which were better but still not over easy. When the customers paid they said they enjoyed my service but said they were underwhelmed with the food. They handed me an extra $10 and said that this tip was mine and mine only. I split it with the prep cook behind Betty’s back.

TLDR: old cook is an asshat

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