
Old boss once asked me to sit next to asocial lazy coworker during an outing to make it less awkard on her

I used to work at a company were the boss would constantly take us out to eat. It was his way of showing “appreciation” for our work. Unfortunately, not all of us actually worked. But there was a chick who was lazy. When I say lazy I mean she didn't do much. Not even the bare minimum of her job description and it made everyone fall behind. She was sloppy with the part of her job she did do so one of us had to redo it. The boss didn't do anything about her and she continued with her shenanigans. Took constant smoke and bathroom breaks and then would watch youtube on her phone. The boss would ask her to do her part of the job and she'd dissapear for an hour. Boss would eventually pass the job to someone else and then we'd get backlogged. She'd come back and…

I used to work at a company were the boss would constantly take us out to eat. It was his way of showing “appreciation” for our work.

Unfortunately, not all of us actually worked. But there was a chick who was lazy. When I say lazy I mean she didn't do much. Not even the bare minimum of her job description and it made everyone fall behind. She was sloppy with the part of her job she did do so one of us had to redo it. The boss didn't do anything about her and she continued with her shenanigans. Took constant smoke and bathroom breaks and then would watch youtube on her phone.

The boss would ask her to do her part of the job and she'd dissapear for an hour. Boss would eventually pass the job to someone else and then we'd get backlogged. She'd come back and pick up halfway through the job that was hers after someone started it. The other person was behind but she was caught up.

Problem was the half she did do was wrong so someone else had to jump in and redo it.

But power to her for not doing anything and still getting paid.

For the most part, the rest of the team got along great. We did our work and if one of us needed help then we would ask another person. While at times we were overrun, we knew we could actually count on one another.

Unlike the girl. No one ever asked her for anything.

Needless to say, she made no friends because of it as nobody wanted to be associated with her or have her throw more work on them.

She would try to talk to people but no one wanted to talk to her. As soon as she entered a conversation people would stop talking and start leaving.

I try to be nice to everyone but I couldn't really stomach a conversation with her. But I did say morning and evening.

Guess my boss thought we were friends.

At first she wasn't invited to the outings but eventually my boss decided it would be a good idea to take her.

Now, I could have said no to going but I was not going to say no to a hot meal. Not while I was saving money to pay for college.

As I am leaving for the restauranr, my boss pulled me aside and asked me to carpool with her. I looked at him like wtf. Hell, no.

Lucky for me she had already left. I drove by myself.

My boss got there before me and was waiting for me outside when we got there. Everyone else was isnide.

He says, “Can you sit next to (her)? You know, no one talks to her and if she sits between two people I don't want things to he awkward. I noticed you talk to her so maybe you can have a conversation with her. I already asked our team to leave two seats for you guys.”

He didn't wait and walked inside.

While I did sit next to her, I completelt ignored her and talked over her to my other coworker. I could tell my boss was mad at me since I was not talking to her and she was just sitting there eating while everyone else was eating and laughing. No one talked to her.

I'm not a babysitter and if she didn't have friends that was not my problem. That was the last time I went out to eat with them.

Eventually people stopped going since they didnt want to sit next to her. When it got down to my boss, another worker, and her he stopped having the outings.

I quit the company a little later after it was brought to my attention I was not “pulling my weight”. Our department was “falling” behind.

Other coworkers followed.

As far as I know she still works there but productivity was cut in half. Boss got stuck doing everything else.

At some point we thought she was related to the boss for her to get away with everything but itnturned out the company just didnt care.

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