
Old company is desperate for staff but wont have me back

So i worked in the DC/CDC for a certain company whose main production is furniture, meatballs and divorces. I was a forklift driver/picker for around 3ish years and my specialty was sofas which generally nobody likes and is harder to do. With that, i was the quickest at it behind the dude that inhaled preworkout and did a forklifts job with his hands. I left 18 months ago for the oppotunity to work on an island in the tropics. Left on great terms and everything. I left that job a year later and 2 months prior to leaving, i applied for my old job when there was an opening knowing how long it took them last time to get back to me. Did the first video interview, went great and i knew exactly what to say. 2 months after that i check my profile to see where the applications at…

So i worked in the DC/CDC for a certain company whose main production is furniture, meatballs and divorces. I was a forklift driver/picker for around 3ish years and my specialty was sofas which generally nobody likes and is harder to do. With that, i was the quickest at it behind the dude that inhaled preworkout and did a forklifts job with his hands. I left 18 months ago for the oppotunity to work on an island in the tropics. Left on great terms and everything.

I left that job a year later and 2 months prior to leaving, i applied for my old job when there was an opening knowing how long it took them last time to get back to me. Did the first video interview, went great and i knew exactly what to say. 2 months after that i check my profile to see where the applications at and see a marker that basically means “we didnt hire anyone”, manager i messaged confirmed this. After doing Uber Eats for a few months i decide to look for a “real” job. I find a weirdly worded posting for a casual job at said DC through an agency. Agency are like “this is great. They are so desperate for pickers. As you would know they had alot leave recently”. They had significantly more than “alot” leave. So i jumped through the agencys hoops, they love me and just need to call the DC to basically offer me up. They declined me on the basis that i've previously worked there. Agency even said that they were surprised they wpuld do that with how desperate they are.

Added kicker. Around a year ago now a large retailer opened their warehouse across the road and a high up manager jumped ship. Apparently he was flagging down people from the old warehouse and offering them jobs. This pissed off management who were like if you talk to him, we will write you up or fire you.

I start there this week.

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