
Old employeer refused to pay me what he owed. now he tells my new boss he is coming to cause a scene next week. (throw away acc)

Cool, so i worked for this place for around 3 years. there were several red flags that i ignored. pay consistantly being late(by 1 to 3 weeks) there was no roster provided and if you asked me on monday if i was working friday my answer would always be “im not sure”. after dealing with Fair Work(Australia) they decided not to persue the case claiming my evidence was not enough, they did say i could take it to small claims though. My employer was fined by Fair Work for “was unable to provide the FWO with time and wage records.” as they had no record of my hours fair work looked at all the photos and time sheets i had recorded myself and said “he is stating you only worked 38 hours a week and no more is conflicting with the physical photos and evidence of finish times by you…

Cool, so i worked for this place for around 3 years. there were several red flags that i ignored. pay consistantly being late(by 1 to 3 weeks) there was no roster provided and if you asked me on monday if i was working friday my answer would always be “im not sure”. after dealing with Fair Work(Australia) they decided not to persue the case claiming my evidence was not enough, they did say i could take it to small claims though. My employer was fined by Fair Work for “was unable to provide the FWO with time and wage records.” as they had no record of my hours fair work looked at all the photos and time sheets i had recorded myself and said “he is stating you only worked 38 hours a week and no more is conflicting with the physical photos and evidence of finish times by you as you have no evidence of what time you started other then your digital spreadsheet that you provided, his word is conflicting with your evidence and we wont be taking it to court.”.

rightfully pissed off by all of this i sent a text to the person who is listed as the owner on the ABN (his wife) stating that she needs to talk to him about paying me what he owes me because if not im taking both of them to small claims for unpaid wages and posting it all online. i did state “i don't need to win, i just need to make it cost him more then it's worth.” and warned her that because it is her name on the ABN and not his her name is the one that is getting dragged through the mud over this. instead of responding to me, the guy messaged my current boss asking if i still worked for them then telling them i threatened his wife and he would be coming into my place of work to cause a scene his exact words were “well im sorry, but he threatened my wife and i am very very very angry. and i will be coming in there early next week to cause a very big scene. how dear he threaten my wife”.

this has been going on for a year. he blocked me shortly after i started the case at fair work, fair work being super freaking useless.

at this point, im getting ready to make these texts public, the fair work email public and let the public decide with the buisness name listed. as i said in the text to her, it's her name people will see when i point out all the shit that buisness did to me.

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