
Old school coworkers and WFH

My core team are all pretty old school in terms of their mindset re: WFH. They are all managers that need to monitor operations. My role has lately been more focused on data analysis and not so much being on shop floors. The argument for being in person working in an office are the following: more collaboration due to in-person meetings learning from your peers more “productivity” Ya well… with my team, there is none of that. I talk to my coworkers once a week in person. There is no magical meeting of the minds, but that’s more due to just the type of people I work with. I am sure some teams really do get that synergy by being in person. I will host meetings in a conference room, and then realize nearly all of the attendees decided to log in thru zoom, in their cubicles 50 feet away.…

My core team are all pretty old school in terms of their mindset re: WFH. They are all managers that need to monitor operations. My role has lately been more focused on data analysis and not so much being on shop floors.

The argument for being in person working in an office are the following:

  • more collaboration due to in-person meetings
  • learning from your peers
  • more “productivity”

Ya well… with my team, there is none of that. I talk to my coworkers once a week in person. There is no magical meeting of the minds, but that’s more due to just the type of people I work with. I am sure some teams really do get that synergy by being in person.

I will host meetings in a conference room, and then realize nearly all of the attendees decided to log in thru zoom, in their cubicles 50 feet away. I will go days without anyone talking to me and me being glued to my desk. I am assuming their must be some resentment from my team because I can actually work from home due to my current responsibilities and they can’t. It’s just so uncomfortable. Anyone in the same position?

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