
Older generations are tone deaf

This post was inspired by a recent post. It made me think about how tone deaf older generations are. For reference I’m Gen Z. I especially feel this is true for Gen X and boomers. I have family that constantly talks about how much they worked, the hardships of taking care of a family, and maintaining it all while in school at my age. I honestly believe it’s resentment. Resentment that they did all this and still they’re miserable. Gen X/Boomers are very hostile towards Gen Z because we want an easier life. Nobody said we want things easy just easier than it currently is. People work 30+ hours. 5 days a week. Only have 48 hours of free time and sometimes not even that. You cannot enjoy the fruits of your labor and if you can only occasionally. I don’t know it just sounds miserable and somehow Gen Z…

This post was inspired by a recent post. It made me think about how tone deaf older generations are. For reference I’m Gen Z. I especially feel this is true for Gen X and boomers. I have family that constantly talks about how much they worked, the hardships of taking care of a family, and maintaining it all while in school at my age. I honestly believe it’s resentment. Resentment that they did all this and still they’re miserable. Gen X/Boomers are very hostile towards Gen Z because we want an easier life. Nobody said we want things easy just easier than it currently is. People work 30+ hours. 5 days a week. Only have 48 hours of free time and sometimes not even that. You cannot enjoy the fruits of your labor and if you can only occasionally. I don’t know it just sounds miserable and somehow Gen Z is lazy for not wanting to partake in that.

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