
On the accepted values of anti-workers

The left seeks to wipe it's hands clean by interacting with the political system. Movements and demonstrations refuse to demand for actionable change. As movements like anti-work continue to draw mainstream attention and intellectuals, they become infected with the very institutional values that will forever prevent us from emancipating ourselves. As any movement grows it eventually becomes part of the system itself and therefor harmless to it's overall structure. Earth First was a radical environmental movement of rough-n-tumble rednecks cowboys who sabotaged bulldozers and mining equipment to prevent destruction of habitats they believe should be conserved. They were willing to risk their lives and freedom to do something about it. Liberal intellectuals were sympathetic to their cause, joining the movement, but also at the same time castrating it. It no longer was a movement of action, but demonstration, policy advocation and lobbying. It had been rendered cationic without an arrest…

The left seeks to wipe it's hands clean by interacting with the political system. Movements and demonstrations refuse to demand for actionable change. As movements like anti-work continue to draw mainstream attention and intellectuals, they become infected with the very institutional values that will forever prevent us from emancipating ourselves. As any movement grows it eventually becomes part of the system itself and therefor harmless to it's overall structure. Earth First was a radical environmental movement of rough-n-tumble rednecks cowboys who sabotaged bulldozers and mining equipment to prevent destruction of habitats they believe should be conserved. They were willing to risk their lives and freedom to do something about it. Liberal intellectuals were sympathetic to their cause, joining the movement, but also at the same time castrating it. It no longer was a movement of action, but demonstration, policy advocation and lobbying. It had been rendered cationic without an arrest or stroke of a pen, but merely by the natural forces of our culture.

Do not submit to the system. Voting only seeks to give the illusion you have a choice over policy and further legitimizes the state, which is the illegitimate protector of the capitalist class. We do not have a free and elected assembly that represents our interests and we never will. “Permitted” demonstrations, social media campaigns and hashtags do not achieve anything, they only channel the finite energy of the movement into something harmless. They merely wipe our hands clean, an illusion that we support a cause. Do not misinterpret me,

It may not be antiwork that leads to revolution, but revolution as a tool for change can only be done outside of accepted cultural and political values. Those values are tools of oppressors, anything less will be rendered sterile. The roman slave was held by fetters, the waged laborer… by invisible threads. By very definition a radical movement cannot be mainstream, it can never be mainstream. It can never adhere to the accepted cultural and political values of media or capital. So don't let it.

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