
On the verge of quitting

Hey all, I'll try keep this short and sweet. I've worked at my place for a lot longer than I'd like to admit, I've had so many issues over the years with things like not being paid properly, not getting overtime and then told to wait until next month for it, due to their errors, bad treatment from other departments with no repercussions (I'm a cleaner, basically lowest of the low in the rest of the establishments eyes). Anyway, last month I was FINALLY given an increase in hours, after constantly asking, but rebuffed because “those hours weren't available”, only for them to hire someone for those hours the week after. The day after that, a department manager came and asked if I'd be interested in taking up this pretty important admin role (I can't specify for reasons) on a temporary basis(6 months) for 2 days a week They'd approached…

Hey all, I'll try keep this short and sweet.
I've worked at my place for a lot longer than I'd like to admit, I've had so many issues over the years with things like not being paid properly, not getting overtime and then told to wait until next month for it, due to their errors, bad treatment from other departments with no repercussions (I'm a cleaner, basically lowest of the low in the rest of the establishments eyes).

Anyway, last month I was FINALLY given an increase in hours, after constantly asking, but rebuffed because “those hours weren't available”, only for them to hire someone for those hours the week after.
The day after that, a department manager came and asked if I'd be interested in taking up this pretty important admin role (I can't specify for reasons) on a temporary basis(6 months) for 2 days a week They'd approached me because of previous help I'd given the company due to extreme sickness, so they knew I was capable and had faith in me. I was absolutely taken aback and overjoyed. I took on the contract and the first couple of days were a bit chaotic, I won't lie. Basically they'd been left in the shit at the busiest time of year and it just was not a good impression of the role for me.
Anyway now things have settled and I'm really enjoying it. It's a different world, the treatment from other departments is shockingly different that it actually sickens me. Anyway I digress.

So because I'd been offered those extra hours for my cleaning job, I had to now try and cram those extra hours into 3 days of the week. It sounded intense but I was determined to push through since I've never really had much money. Today I was approached by my line manager and informed that they'd found extra hours I needed to work (annualised hours). I asked how, since I'd just started the hourly increase and no way could have accumulated hours that I owed them. It's basically boiled down to my manager saying because I had a day off sick and holidays (which I was forced to take), I now owed them those hours back. Which now meant I would be working 6 days a week until the end of the year. I know fine well this wasn't the procedure so I informed my manager that I'm debating resigning, and focusing on this new admin role instead because of the treatment.
I was just met with a sneering “you do know it's only temporary and not permanent?”

I just walked out of the office because I didn't want to give the satisfaction of me crying with anger.
Do I call the bluff and resign anyway? I have this admin role until 31st of march. I'm debating asking my manager on that side if it's possible to squeeze in a few more hours so I can survive. Because I absolutely cannot bare the thought of working in the cleaning department any longer. That place has killed my confidence and self esteem, and finally I have a manager who's got my back and who's giving me this opportunity to finally get out and get my confidence back.

My coworker seems to think my cleaning managers are bitter because they have no control over me in that role and were trying to get me to do tasks for them, which was rebuffed by my admin manager. Basically I'm at their level now and they can't ask things of me, so I'm being penalised elsewhere.

I'm going to get in touch with HR about the sickness days, because I absolutely know that it's not policy. I'm just so fed up of thinking I'm never gonna escape it, they have me in a chokehold and they know it. For an establishment that is pretty insisting in protecting mental health, they have no idea how were being treated.

I'm sorry this went on longer than I thought it would, I'm still very emotional about the day.

Tldr; Managers trying to penalise me and unfair treatment because of my new co-existing role, where they now have no control over me. Manager mentioned it's not permanent in response to me mentioning me possibly resigning to focus on new role because of unfair treatment. Do I call his bluff or endure constant work caused misery?

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