
On Thursday, my boss asked if I could reschedule getting my marriage certificate for “the needs of the business”

I'm in full scorched Earth, “fuck this place” mode now, so I don't care about identifying information about myself or anything like that. I work at IBM. I applied for a mainframe test technician apprenticeship in 2020, and started the job in April of 2021. Before that, I worked in radio for 10 years. I went to school for radio, I was on my college station for close to 3 years, and spent the rest of the time working at a local station. I started off producing commercials, imaging, anything that was needed to fill out the sound of the station, I did it. Eventually, I got the evening shift. The reason I tell you this is because despite there being bad times, and there were plenty of them, the pay being shit, and there not being insurance with the position, I was still doing what I went to school…

I'm in full scorched Earth, “fuck this place” mode now, so I don't care about identifying information about myself or anything like that.

I work at IBM. I applied for a mainframe test technician apprenticeship in 2020, and started the job in April of 2021. Before that, I worked in radio for 10 years. I went to school for radio, I was on my college station for close to 3 years, and spent the rest of the time working at a local station. I started off producing commercials, imaging, anything that was needed to fill out the sound of the station, I did it. Eventually, I got the evening shift.

The reason I tell you this is because despite there being bad times, and there were plenty of them, the pay being shit, and there not being insurance with the position, I was still doing what I went to school for. I was doing what I was good at, and what I enjoyed doing.

Covid happens, my hours get cut down to 5 a week (just enough to record my show and go home), and eventually this isn't sustainable anymore. So I applied and got the job at IBM, thinking “this is a stable, well known company, it has benefits, the pay will be better, and I'll be treated with respect,” boy was I fucking wrong.

Every end of the quarter (March, June, September & December) are busy. This I know, I prepare for it, and I know that I'll have a lot of overtime and weekend work. It sucks because I enjoy seeing my family and friends, but whatever, comes with the territory.

This past week, my boss sends out an email basically saying we're gonna get slammed with work, all hands on deck needed due to “needs of the business.”

My fiancee and I are getting married in October, so we're getting our marriage certificate soon. Problem is, the town clerks nearby all close at 3, and my fiancee works until 5 at a place that's an hour and a half away. So there's no way we can go during the week. The town clerk is doing us a favor by coming in this Saturday, and it's the only day she can do it. So that means it's the only day we can get our certificate before the wedding.

I tell my boss this, say that I can definitely be here Sunday, but Saturday I'm getting my marriage certificate. He makes a face like “oh that's not gonna work for me,” and says “well what time is it? Can you come in after?” “10 am” I say, he makes the same face as before. “Well, can you reschedule it, we really need all hands, needs of the business and all.”

When I tell you I almost blew through the fucking roof, I seriously mean it. I was LIVID. I almost told him to go fuck himself and quit on the spot.

How dare he tell me that IBM is more important than my fucking wedding, something that happens ONCE in a lifetime if you're lucky.

This place has been a miserable shithole from the minute I started here, everyone is either hyper conservative, questioning why I got my vaccine or wear a mask (I'm a diabetic you fucks, and you all are disgusting), coming in saying that Uvalde “didn't happen,” Sandy Hook “didn't happen,” being just plain fucking rude, socially awkward pieces of shit, and now they have the audacity to tell me that I should postpone getting my marriage certificate for the benefit of the almighty IBM? Fuck yourselves and this fucking company.

I emailed my boss this morning and told him that I'd work 6 to 9 am on Saturday and Sunday, like I told him last week, and he just says “oh that's fine.” So my entire fucking weekend spent stressing over this shit BECAUSE OF HIM and now it's fine?

Seriously, if you ever get a job at a place, and you feel uneasy within the first week, quit. Do not stick with it, do not let people tell you it will get better. Go with your gut, because I didn't and I fucking regret it.

I'm really trying to get back into radio because I enjoyed the creativity, and, not to toot my own horn, but I was fucking good at it, I AM fucking good at it. And I have absolutely no interest or care in mainframe production. Couldn't give a single fuck.

Just needed to vent about this. Anyone know of any radio stations hiring full time with benefits in the Western CT/Westchester NY area, lemme know!

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