
Once again libs- antiwork is anticapitalist and we want to end work

Just saw some painful liberalism so this bears clarification once again. We actually want to end work. Not just whine about our bosses or get a small raise. We want to abolish capitalism and money and the state, and all the labour that goes with that. We aren't against effort or doing things ofc, as some things like food and medicine production need to continue, but people, seeing the need for those things, will do that work. The profit motive is powerful, but rarely powerful in the service of the common good. It also is a relatively recent invention and is not all encompassing. Modders, for example, do tons of work for no financial reward and in history food still got produced even if no money was involved. Without the profit motive there's no more banking, cashiers, sales, marketing, insurance, franchises, police, civil servants, all the labour in supporting industries,…

Just saw some painful liberalism so this bears clarification once again. We actually want to end work. Not just whine about our bosses or get a small raise.

We want to abolish capitalism and money and the state, and all the labour that goes with that.

We aren't against effort or doing things ofc, as some things like food and medicine production need to continue, but people, seeing the need for those things, will do that work. The profit motive is powerful, but rarely powerful in the service of the common good. It also is a relatively recent invention and is not all encompassing. Modders, for example, do tons of work for no financial reward and in history food still got produced even if no money was involved.

Without the profit motive there's no more banking, cashiers, sales, marketing, insurance, franchises, police, civil servants, all the labour in supporting industries, and so much more. For example, the cleaner of the office tower is doing real work, but the tower never needed to exist in the first place. The miners who dug up the iron ore for the steel never needed to dig. The ripple effects throughout the entire economy would be massive.

Because what is the economy really? Sure it's GDP and profits and all that, but at its root it's the way we provide for our needs. The way we produce things. That exists independent of the concept of money. There is real work, and there is profit driven work- “bullshit jobs”.

Distribute the remaining work more equitably and let people choose what they want to do in life. Everyone has a natural desire to do something with their time. There are people in every niche. Let them fill those.

The lack of financial barriers would lead to a surge of now free people wanting to pursue the things they never could under capitalism. Alot less sales people and alot more artists and doctors and scientists and veterinarians and things people care about.

And most importantly, alot more freedom.

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