
One of my coworkers acts like he is the boss

Don't you hate when your coworkers act like they are your boss? Yesterday one of my coworkers got mad because of the music that was playing in the place where I work. The music was simple R&B and in my country we don't even speak english, so there was no reason to get this mad, especially because the manager made me pick a radio I liked to play and the only condition was that it was music 24/7. This guy acts like he is the owner, one day he was entusiastic that we had a lot of customers, like his pay was gonna increase or something, and of course he made sure to write his entusiasm in the group chat where the owner of the shop could see it. After I told him to calm down he started to nitpick every single thing he didn't like, the sink wasn't clean…

Don't you hate when your coworkers act like they are your boss?
Yesterday one of my coworkers got mad because of the music that was playing in the place where I work. The music was simple R&B and in my country we don't even speak english, so there was no reason to get this mad, especially because the manager made me pick a radio I liked to play and the only condition was that it was music 24/7.
This guy acts like he is the owner, one day he was entusiastic that we had a lot of customers, like his pay was gonna increase or something, and of course he made sure to write his entusiasm in the group chat where the owner of the shop could see it.
After I told him to calm down he started to nitpick every single thing he didn't like, the sink wasn't clean enough, I should be dressed more elegantly and so on. I usually don't like arguing with my coworkers because working already sucks and fighting is the last thing I want to, but this guy annoyed me so much I told him he can fuck off. He acts like he cares so much and then he admitted to me back then that he sleeps during night shifts wtf.
What would you do? I was planning to record him confessing about sleeping in the workplace and threaten him to send the audio to the boss if he doesn't stop bothering me.

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