
One of the supposed benefits of capitalism is efficient usage of resources. That being said, how in the fuck is the way we handle finding a first job efficient lol

I've been out of uni since the summer now. I'm a graduate in Computer Science, I got 1st class honours, I've done a couple of internships, and I think I have really great communication and teamworking skills. That being said, my search thus far for a first job has been a bit demotivating, and it just makes me question how this is in any way efficient. I could have been coding something for somebody for the past few months. Hell, I could be coding something for somebody right fucking now instead of complaining about it on Reddit. I speak English and French (probably the best language duo for finding possibilities in tech in Europe I imagine), I'm willing to relocate to almost anywhere on the continent, and I think my CV shows a history of being incredibly adaptable and willing to learn. But because I have not sung the right…

I've been out of uni since the summer now. I'm a graduate in Computer Science, I got 1st class honours, I've done a couple of internships, and I think I have really great communication and teamworking skills. That being said, my search thus far for a first job has been a bit demotivating, and it just makes me question how this is in any way efficient.

I could have been coding something for somebody for the past few months. Hell, I could be coding something for somebody right fucking now instead of complaining about it on Reddit. I speak English and French (probably the best language duo for finding possibilities in tech in Europe I imagine), I'm willing to relocate to almost anywhere on the continent, and I think my CV shows a history of being incredibly adaptable and willing to learn.

But because I have not sung the right song or danced the right dance in front of the right recruiter, I am languishing, sitting in my chair at home, trying to hunt down every junior software engineering position I can find (even tho from my results thus far there's almost no point applying outside of the city / country I live in as no one wants to help relocate when they can just hire a local).

Our capitalist friends say this system that we live in promotes efficient usage of resources. How is having me, a young worker with skills that he is more than willing to bring to market, scrolling through page after page of applications of 'junior' positions (looking for minimum 3 years professional experience of course) an efficient usage of resources? And I can assure you of course I'm not the only young graduate in this position.

Maybe deep down this is just a rant about my current predicament, but it gets a derisive chuckle out of me when I imagine that this is supposedly the most efficient system our truly brilliant species has ever come up with. Apparently.

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