
one shift for the entire month

I’m a casual employee (so I guess it’s expected to be treated like this) in Australia and I went from working 15ish shifts a month at the end of last year to only getting one shift for this month. This started at the end of December, where I was rostered only 4 times and my shifts just kept getting cut from there. The same time when the big boss replaced the previous boss. I’ve messaged two managers multiple times for work, the ‘big manager’ told me the first time I asked, that they don’t have enough money left to roster me (bad budget handling on their behalf), a week later they messaged me saying they had to take one of my shifts away for the same reason. The second time I messaged them for a shift they left me on seen and they went into the work groupchat and ranted…

I’m a casual employee (so I guess it’s expected to be treated like this) in Australia and I went from working 15ish shifts a month at the end of last year to only getting one shift for this month. This started at the end of December, where I was rostered only 4 times and my shifts just kept getting cut from there. The same time when the big boss replaced the previous boss.

I’ve messaged two managers multiple times for work, the ‘big manager’ told me the first time I asked, that they don’t have enough money left to roster me (bad budget handling on their behalf), a week later they messaged me saying they had to take one of my shifts away for the same reason. The second time I messaged them for a shift they left me on seen and they went into the work groupchat and ranted about how they’re still struggling with the budget, didn’t even get a direct response.

The other manager told me the exact same thing so I told myself that I would wait it out until April, where their budget went back to normal. I was so wrong. I assumed my shifts would at least bump up to 4 shifts a month. Nope – just the 1. I spoke to my other manager about only getting rostered once and their excuse was that the days they planned to have me to work were public holidays. You would’ve thought they could’ve changed my shifts to another day but no. Fast forward to today I messaged big boss asking for a shift in the morning and they just left me on seen.

I’m starting to think that my managers hold some grudge against me. I get that because I am a casual they can roster me however they want but, one shift for the entire month? It seriously sucks and I have been told by friends to quit my job and search for another, it honestly feels like I have no job at all. I want to wait it out until the one year mark before I quit just to spice up my resume I guess. I’m also rostered for five shifts next month so I want to see if those shifts get cut as well.

Should’ve added: I started working for this place when I was in highschool now I’m currently a university student that’s struggling financially. This is also my first job and their pay is decent.

I need some advice on what to do, please help!

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