
Only 10 days vacation

I have a Part-time job I literally only work because I get a good discount on the items we sell. Every once in a while I like to book my weekends off and go camping or do whatever and I’ve only ever worked Part time jobs before but this current employer only gives me 10 days vacation… not paid, I can only book off 10 days a year at this place. Does that make any sense at all? No place I’ve ever worked before has only given me 10 days of book off time before? I understand if it was full time and paid but it’s not. I have two part time jobs currently and the other one has no such restrictions.

I have a Part-time job I literally only work because I get a good discount on the items we sell. Every once in a while I like to book my weekends off and go camping or do whatever and I’ve only ever worked Part time jobs before but this current employer only gives me 10 days vacation… not paid, I can only book off 10 days a year at this place. Does that make any sense at all? No place I’ve ever worked before has only given me 10 days of book off time before? I understand if it was full time and paid but it’s not. I have two part time jobs currently and the other one has no such restrictions.

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