

It took two-and-a-half years, but I finally got Covid. Now, I have a good job – generally not a lot to complain about – but the Covid policy has my head swimming. Just wondering how y'all would handle this: ​ I'm 10 days into Covid. No fever anymore, but still have symptoms (stuffy head; fatigue), AND – more importantly – testing positive. I have a friend who had Covid two months ago and still has a lingering cough, but he's negative for the virus. I'm not. ​ I'm being told I can come back to work. There's not even a mask mandate, just that I'm 10 days from my first symptoms, don't have a fever, so I'm clear. Since I'm still testing positive, this seems crazy to me. What say you all? Is this capitalist insanity, or am I really likely no longer contagious? ​ Thank you for your time!

It took two-and-a-half years, but I finally got Covid.

Now, I have a good job – generally not a lot to complain about – but the Covid policy has my head swimming. Just wondering how y'all would handle this:

I'm 10 days into Covid. No fever anymore, but still have symptoms (stuffy head; fatigue), AND – more importantly – testing positive. I have a friend who had Covid two months ago and still has a lingering cough, but he's negative for the virus. I'm not.

I'm being told I can come back to work. There's not even a mask mandate, just that I'm 10 days from my first symptoms, don't have a fever, so I'm clear. Since I'm still testing positive, this seems crazy to me. What say you all? Is this capitalist insanity, or am I really likely no longer contagious?

Thank you for your time!

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