
OPS manager denied a qualified candidate because “her acne was distracting. “

I’m still in shock after having this conversation… Last week I interviewed a very qualified candidate for a job and passed her along to my OPS manager for approval but she wasn’t approved. We had a meeting today and I asked why because I thought she would be great for my office. The OPS straight up said it was because her acne was distracting in the zoom interview and she was concerned how our customers would feel walking in and seeing her. She also went on to ask if I knew if she wore make up. This young woman was around 24 and honestly I didn’t even remember any acne. It couldn’t have been that bad. Let me also say that I work for a temp agency… people come in here in pajamas and slides. In my opinion there was absolutely nothing wrong with the candidates appearance. Is there anything…

I’m still in shock after having this conversation…

Last week I interviewed a very qualified candidate for a job and passed her along to my OPS manager for approval but she wasn’t approved. We had a meeting today and I asked why because I thought she would be great for my office. The OPS straight up said it was because her acne was distracting in the zoom interview and she was concerned how our customers would feel walking in and seeing her. She also went on to ask if I knew if she wore make up.

This young woman was around 24 and honestly I didn’t even remember any acne. It couldn’t have been that bad. Let me also say that I work for a temp agency… people come in here in pajamas and slides. In my opinion there was absolutely nothing wrong with the candidates appearance.

Is there anything I can do? Is this any sort of discrimination? I’m leaving the job in three weeks so I don’t care about repercussions.

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