
Ops manager was late to meeting by 25 minutes. I leave my desk for 10 seconds, am told afterwards that I was disrespectful.

I'm a new hire and in the first few days of orientation/meeting managers and execs and having to answer the dumb questions like where you're from, a superpower, random fact etc. The role is a technical support/customer service one that pays a lesser wage in training, because according to HR, they don't believe in paying people their full $16hr wage if they are just going to be here for the duration of training. The $16hr wage is given to employees once they finish their 4-8 week course. As a training group, we are in a zoom meeting with our trainers and they mention that an operations manager is going to be coming in later today at 9am. When it comes time to 9, trainer stops the lesson and we wait until 9:27am to meet this particular manager. Hellos are said and the bullshit question of the day is 'If you…

I'm a new hire and in the first few days of orientation/meeting managers and execs and having to answer the dumb questions like where you're from, a superpower, random fact etc.

The role is a technical support/customer service one that pays a lesser wage in training, because according to HR, they don't believe in paying people their full $16hr wage if they are just going to be here for the duration of training. The $16hr wage is given to employees once they finish their 4-8 week course.

As a training group, we are in a zoom meeting with our trainers and they mention that an operations manager is going to be coming in later today at 9am. When it comes time to 9, trainer stops the lesson and we wait until 9:27am to meet this particular manager.

Hellos are said and the bullshit question of the day is 'If you had a guilty pleasure, what would it be?' When it's over with he asked if anyone had questions. There were no questions beside, “so what exactly do you do here? What's your day to day look like?” He sat there stumped and just came up with something along the lines of a middle management type response. After he was finished and asking if anyone else had more questions, I get up and go get a glass of water.

I come back to one of the team lead managers mentioning how it was so disrespectful to leave and not stay on camera, that she did not want to hear excuses. In front of my group of about 30 I ask politely yet firmly, “Excuse me, hi. If I am personally held responsible for my schedule and commitments that exists with your company, and am reprimanded if I am ever late, absent..does this same rule not apply to higher executive roles? Should I follow the behavior of my managers? I'd just like to know for my own benefit, so I can excel at this role.”

The team lead apologized to me and the whole class, understood where I was coming from, and realized that it was a huge group of people that are just tired of this corporate behavior bullshit.

I'm currently looking for something else because of instances like this that have happened every other day now for the last two weeks. $12/hr, high turnover rate, multiple outdated MS-DOS systems you have to navigate on the job, etc.

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