
Our customer suggested we work 12 hour (night) shifts for 2 months so they could save money. Nobody in the meeting, including my manager, considered this excessive.

I’m a salaried employee so get zero benefit from any overtime. With a 3 hour round trip to site and the luxury of 8 hours sleep I would receive a generous 1 hour per day for those non important things such as hygiene, eating, grocery shopping and you know, family. For this multi-million dollar company to save money, my company expects its “valued” employees to submit to such conditions. The only parties in this deal who are inconvenienced, and whom receive no benefit are the employees. The disrespect is astonishing.

I’m a salaried employee so get zero benefit from any overtime. With a 3 hour round trip to site and the luxury of 8 hours sleep I would receive a generous 1 hour per day for those non important things such as hygiene, eating, grocery shopping and you know, family.

For this multi-million dollar company to save money, my company expects its “valued” employees to submit to such conditions.

The only parties in this deal who are inconvenienced, and whom receive no benefit are the employees.

The disrespect is astonishing.

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