
Our tolerance for abuse

While this post may seem anti anti work, it's not. I started my dream career last year and honestly the respect I've been shown is something I hope everyone could receive. Last week we had an extremely abusive client in our office- he was threatening to beat up our colleague, yelling, swearing etc. By chance our previous manager was there and managed to calm him down. We've had two team meetings since; discussing our roles in situations like these and my current manager said something that really struck with me: “Your tolerance for abuse should be much lower. When a client starts to disrespect you, raise their voice, get angry, you need to shut it down. Don't open the door to let their anger affect you. If you need help, write in Teams, ask a colleague for backup, get the security officer to escort them out. You deserve respect and…

While this post may seem anti anti work, it's not. I started my dream career last year and honestly the respect I've been shown is something I hope everyone could receive. Last week we had an extremely abusive client in our office- he was threatening to beat up our colleague, yelling, swearing etc. By chance our previous manager was there and managed to calm him down.

We've had two team meetings since; discussing our roles in situations like these and my current manager said something that really struck with me:

“Your tolerance for abuse should be much lower. When a client starts to disrespect you, raise their voice, get angry, you need to shut it down. Don't open the door to let their anger affect you. If you need help, write in Teams, ask a colleague for backup, get the security officer to escort them out. You deserve respect and just because you can take the abuse, you shouldn't. ”

I worked hospo for many years, retail for a couple years and I even did call centre work when I was 18 years old. My tolerance for abuse from entitled clients, drunk clients and from shitty coked up bosses is quite high sadly. But recently I've seen what proper management can do to a team and to a workplace and it's something we all deserve. To my fellow anti-workers, lower your tolerance. Shut that shit down right away.

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