
Out Of Office Declined Because it creates “4 Day Workweeks”

At my company I get a generous 25 days paid OOO time. Since I have over 50% of this remaining until January 2023 when it resets, I decided to request every Monday off until the end of the year. The request was denied because management said that this was too similar to the “4 day workweek” that people have been asking for (which was denied) and would set a bad precedent. Just wanted to point out the deception of a company telling you that you have X number of paid days off, and when you try to use them fair and square they get denied for dumb reasons like this. Is this actually enforceable?

At my company I get a generous 25 days paid OOO time. Since I have over 50% of this remaining until January 2023 when it resets, I decided to request every Monday off until the end of the year.

The request was denied because management said that this was too similar to the “4 day workweek” that people have been asking for (which was denied) and would set a bad precedent.

Just wanted to point out the deception of a company telling you that you have X number of paid days off, and when you try to use them fair and square they get denied for dumb reasons like this.

Is this actually enforceable?

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