
Overwhelming Work

Im not sure if this is the right place to post but I currently work at a job that finds caregivers for retired people there are only 37 of us that handle thousands of accounts for members who are eligible for this benefit. I always have over 300 task in my inbox and am finding that there is no way I can catch up while also getting enrollment calls with new accounts to set up and be in charge of. The company I work for is a bit disorganized and the platform we use is unable to handle the amount of people who use it on a daily basis between extremely slow server kicking me out every second and having to redocument multiple times to not having enough candidates on the platform to even offer to the amount of members who sign up (can be months before we find someone)…

Im not sure if this is the right place to post but I currently work at a job that finds caregivers for retired people there are only 37 of us that handle thousands of accounts for members who are eligible for this benefit. I always have over 300 task in my inbox and am finding that there is no way I can catch up while also getting enrollment calls with new accounts to set up and be in charge of. The company I work for is a bit disorganized and the platform we use is unable to handle the amount of people who use it on a daily basis between extremely slow server kicking me out every second and having to redocument multiple times to not having enough candidates on the platform to even offer to the amount of members who sign up (can be months before we find someone) for this I feel really unmotivated although I should be thankful that this is remote and I'm not micromanaged so much and my managers and colleagues are very nice but I feel like we offer up this amazing promise to find someone to help with XYZ but then either it takes too long or some of these people who apply for these jobs dont end up showing to their shifts or they aren't professional or they turn in invoices on days and times that they didn't work I have to terminate them and start all over while all this time all I can do is profusely apologize to the members all the time. Been here since May and am already burned out. I don't mind a workload but there is no way I can catch up I will say that when I was hired I was given over 100 members from other colleagues to help lighten their load but now I can barely hang on. I would say I have a good work ethic and don't mind a heavy workload but with the resources given the platform being slow as hell and me depending on other departments to do my job it's been a real struggle . Am I being crazy ?

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