
Overworked a month into my new position

I have the worst luck with jobs. I just started a new job in a marketing position a little over a month ago. I thought I was finally getting compensated fairly with it being a salaried position. I have a degree and three years of experience in the field, the pay is 43,000 a year. The role I was hired for is to work directly with the design team, bridging the gap between them and all other departments design requests. Additional responsibilities include updating building signage, booking vendors, ordering things, and helping out with events when needed. Severe staffing issues in my department have recently come up. They let another employee go, this employee was responsible for setting up, running, and taking down all events as well as tracking inventory and some other smaller duties (it is the position directly under mine). This employees responsibilities have now all be given…

I have the worst luck with jobs. I just started a new job in a marketing position a little over a month ago. I thought I was finally getting compensated fairly with it being a salaried position. I have a degree and three years of experience in the field, the pay is 43,000 a year. The role I was hired for is to work directly with the design team, bridging the gap between them and all other departments design requests. Additional responsibilities include updating building signage, booking vendors, ordering things, and helping out with events when needed.

Severe staffing issues in my department have recently come up. They let another employee go, this employee was responsible for setting up, running, and taking down all events as well as tracking inventory and some other smaller duties (it is the position directly under mine). This employees responsibilities have now all be given to me, a month into my new job. Making it impossible for me to do my own job and learn everything I need to. My office hours went from Tues-Sat to Wed-Sun. The design team is only in office Mon-Fri. This has limited my communication with them to three days. On top of it we host events every single day I work, so now instead of being in my office doing my role I am working events often with only an hour or two between each one. My office times have changed as well to evening hours to match event times. The design team works 9-5 I work any where from 2:00pm to at the latest 11:30pm most days. I also will now miss all of my meetings with the design team on Tuesday unless I decide to work 6 days a week to attend my meetings on Tuesday’s. The worst part of it all is even on my “days off” and my time between shifts I am bombarded with emails from other departments asking for things, and I am expected to respond. I feel like I have no personal time anymore.

When I started my position, I loved my responsibilities and was excelling with what I had. I was so organized and within weeks I am feeling miserable and unable to get any of my own responsibilities done. I also don’t think I am being paid fairly to be giving all of my time to this job. I want to talk to my boss but what do I say without seeming lazy. They are all about work ethic and going above and beyond but this is honestly way too much. They are suppose to fill the open position but it could take weeks and I don’t know if I can mentally handle this work load for weeks. They get angry when I get behind on my responsibilities but I have no time to do my own job. What do I say? What do I do?

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