
Owner of the company wearing a “Lets to Brandon” cap today

My fiancé works at a small plastic molding company. 90% of the employees are Mexicans with a TN work visa (including my fiancé). They are SEVERELY underpaid. My fiancé, working as an engineer, makes barely more than I did as an intern 5 years ago. The owner is fully taking advantage of the company workers. Today he came in wearing a Let’s go Brandon cap.

My fiancé works at a small plastic molding company. 90% of the employees are Mexicans with a TN work visa (including my fiancé).

They are SEVERELY underpaid. My fiancé, working as an engineer, makes barely more than I did as an intern 5 years ago. The owner is fully taking advantage of the company workers.

Today he came in wearing a Let’s go Brandon cap.

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