
Owners of my job have no care about employees well being, since it messes with the schedule.

My work has adopted this thing where , if you're sick, you have to show up to your shift, you can't call in, unless YOU find someone to cover your shift. Flu season is coming around and I have to have surgery. Because my surgery was delayed to the day before Thanksgiving, I still have to work the day after my surgery for 11 hours. They made my coworker work from 10 -4 throwing up the entire time. I'm at a loss of what to do and I'm worried I'll have to change gauze pads in a place I can't even see for 11 hours and I'm hoping I wont be in any pain. With the way things are going, since I called out on a Thursday before my surgery was scheduled and had to find someone Friday to cover my shift. I had to work all day Saturday ,…

My work has adopted this thing where , if you're sick, you have to show up to your shift, you can't call in, unless YOU find someone to cover your shift. Flu season is coming around and I have to have surgery. Because my surgery was delayed to the day before Thanksgiving, I still have to work the day after my surgery for 11 hours. They made my coworker work from 10 -4 throwing up the entire time. I'm at a loss of what to do and I'm worried I'll have to change gauze pads in a place I can't even see for 11 hours and I'm hoping I wont be in any pain. With the way things are going, since I called out on a Thursday before my surgery was scheduled and had to find someone Friday to cover my shift. I had to work all day Saturday , so I popped a cyst on my tailbone, the doctor's told me not to touch , bc I couldn't stand the pain. My surgery was supposed to be Tuesday, but the doctor caught covid. So the whole week they scheduled me off. They don't allow people to request holidays so the people working are the managers and I. Even though I will have just got off surgery and everyone else just wanted the day to spend with family. I'm scared I will be fired if I can't perform.

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