
Is it just me, or does LinkedIn provide nothing BUT condescending advice?


Kinda seems a bit tone deaf.


Co-worker’s job posted at significantly more than I make, what do I do?

Someone on my team left last week and their job was posted Friday. The listing was at 50% more than I make so I sent a screenshot to my boss asking if I could apply. She said it was a mistake. The post was taken down and replaced with a listing minus salary. Aside from the obvious “quit and find a new job,” what can I do?


Never work for a small business

I was reminded today about all of the issues I had working for small businesses and how much protection they have. Very small businesses aren’t under the ADA, likely because accommodations would be considered “undue hardship” to the business. They don’t have oversight or HR, so you have to watch your back more and when you try to report things you will get more retaliation. They can and will do anything they can to cut costs, meaning you will likely be doing your job title but also doing whatever odd jobs the business needs (lawn service, babysitting, etc) and often minimal if any benefits. Boundaries are much harder to set in a family business too. For context, after dealing with all that for three years (babysitting, physical labor that wasn’t in my job description, hours being moved around to avoid paying overtime or holiday pay etc) I put in writing…


What capitalistic society/hustle culture terms & phrases have become a part of our daily work lexicon and common in advertisements that you are sick of hearing?


Bosses and boundaries

I recently read a post about bosses calling employees after hours. As a manager with a servant leadership style I often call employees after hours to do the following: to get their opinion and perspective before making a decision that may impact them, to check on them to make sure they’re okay and offer support if I know they’re struggling with something in their personal life, and to brainstorm ideas where I know they’ll feel valued for giving input- this is especially true when I know they feel passionate about bringing change to the organization as a whole. Does this community consider this an overreach on the part of management?


None of this will stop until being a billionaire/exorbitantly rich is a liability instead of a luxury.

The day being an oligarch is regarded as a liability instead of a privilege is the day all this finally turns upside down.


Getting something off my chest

Im just here to get something off my chest. i am afraid to talk out loud about my frustrations of where i am employed. i feel it will be too controversial. So i got a job as a receptionist at a certain hotel, they told me i will be on casual basis and get paid by the week. but that is not the case, a whole month can pass by and nothing in my account.. but when they decide to pay you they only give you pay for like a week or two like i am being held hostage to my pay. Another thing where im from after working as a casual for 3 months you should be on the payroll but its 9 months and counting no change. Everytime i ask why am i not on the payroll all i get is shitty excuses. They say my small mistakes…


Yes, let’s showcase our grossly overworked and underpaid employees to our customers like some caged animal.


Just put in my 2 weeks notice, I regret not quitting on the spot.

I've been at the same job for 8 years, minimal raises, definitely not enough to cover cost of living increases. The job has become more and more stressful to the point that I just can't take it anymore and I've been job hunting for a while. I have a new job lined up and I'm excited about it. I've never left a job without giving appropriate notice in my life, so I felt like I couldn't just quit effective immediately, but I absolutely dread the next 2 weeks. I've gotten no response to or acknowledgement of my resignation letter and I'm dreading going into work tomorrow. Not really looking for advice, just needed to get this off my chest.