
Should this response from an HR manager bother me regarding a request for a cost code for a mandatory company meeting?

For the meeting, we encourage people to charge to their project especially since everyone tends to work more that 40 hours on the project. If that doesn’t work for your particular situation, you can charge to training at 2336. For parking, you can charge to: Company 01 Dept 11 GL Account 11.01.7000


Break the system. Stop having kids to rob them of wage slaves!!!

Im 27 and have no kids. Dont plan to anyways. Why not do what i do, rob them of wage slaves?!?! Will it work? Think roe vs wade is the answer.


They say I’m inefficient but they micromanage me

I'm managing a project which is overseen by two “higher ups”, who form a committee, which I basically serve. This project has suffered many delays, some due to covid, some due to the nature of the activities in the project. They have accused me of not doing enough. The committee insists that they sign off on every document, email etc. before I do anything with it. The first guy is my direct manager and wants to see these things before I submit it to the committee officially. The second guy is actually quite chilled. The problem is, my manager demands that I add a huge amount of detail and then once I do, I submit it and the second guy says its too much detail. The process: generate document; send to manager; add the detail manager wants added; send to second guy; remove the detail manager wanted; perform a committee…


Might be losing my job but won’t know till today’s shift.

tl:dr provided below So I'm trying to calm myself down as I cannot afford to lose my job (who can?). I'm a seasonal employee but the company mentions how they'll be hiring after the season's over. Upon hire, I'm an at will employee till my 90 days and was given 3 days of unexcused time off. When calling out where required to inform our managers at least 2 hours prior to that shift. From my understanding and the brief discussion I had with one of my managers, an excused absence is when a doctor's note is provided with my callout. Having that information, anytime I called out it would be roughly 5-4 hours prior to my shift and when calling out I've provided the reason with not much personal information and anytime I've had a doctor's note I have attached a clear photo of it and even offered to send…


Work organize ONE meal out per year, only to those who follow the qualifying criteria:


How to solve the catch-22 of getting a recommendation from an employer when you leave?

When I was a really low level employee, I felt like it was easy to get a good recommendation from a supervisor and it was expected that employees would come and go. But now that I have a much better career, I just don't see how someone gets a good recommendation from a previous employer anymore. I'm really good at my job, to a point that I'm not very replaceable. My last company required 2 months notification of when you were planning to leave, I had trained someone to replace me for a year, and received a much better offer than they were willing to match from a competitor. And they STILL acted like I betrayed the entire company. Now I'm at my current company and I'm afraid I can't leave because they will certainly collapse in my absence as well. There's no way I could go to another job…


I need some insight.

I’ve been working for this small chain movie theatre and shit kind of hit the fan today. So there’s a LOT of shitty things about working for this place, but to generalize I make $7.75, the hours are consistently bad, and I am constantly getting sent home early. It’s a shit show, BUT I really love the people I work with and I also really love working for a cinema in general! I think it’s cool. Anyway, my issue started a few days ago. All at once, my manager dropped this huge section of the employee handbook referring directly to dress code and hygiene expectations. I’m a dude with a beard. Not super long, maybe about 3 and a half inches and I am very proud of it. I’ve been at this place for four months now, and have had a long beard for the entire time and not once…


My fight with Verizon.

My story. I started out working for Verizon in 2017 and moved three different states to keep furthering my career. I do want to make it clear I've never been against working and prided myself in my ability to keep moving up. I suffered an electrical injury and the way my body contorted when I fell back left me with multiple disc herniations and pinched nerves. I no longer am able to feel outside sources in my extremeties I only feel an internal pain and weakening. My doctors and also insurances doctors are on my side and I have the documents to prove it. My issue however is with Verizon and their inability to help. I had coworkers and customers next to me when it happened on the cameras mind you. The noise of the electricity cracking was loud and scared the whole room but it didn't matter because the…


I did it! thanks for the inspiration!


Ask me to do anyhthing