My tiny resistance via Gas Coupons
I work at a gas bar for a big name grocery store that I won't name, overall I quite enjoy my job, it's laid back and the crew is nice. Except we get paid shit and I know they can pay us more if they wanted, I do the paper work and see everyday the profits this company makes, and it makes me angry. So what do I do? I simply give out used coupons of the highest discount rate, but why would I give out used ones? If you simply change a number or two on the coupon you can still get the discount, so I simply give them out to people who need to drive to work but don't make lots, basically everyone who works on the north side of town. Just my small contribution to my fellow minimum wage workers, trying to give a small discount in…
Linkedin is a cesspool
Disclaimer: I'm grateful for Linkedin as a place for a lot of people to find job: myself included. At least in my country, if you have decend education and know your shit on your field, there's no chance you won't get a job… I shared an English Test of myself, and got bombarded with inteview offers for like 2 weeks. That being said… Linkedin seems to have become an joke with their facebook-like social network side. It blows my mind the workaholic culture around there. I feel like there is a constant competition of who gets the last job, which HHRR representative have the longer list of jobs, which job title have the most words on it or who recieves the bigges “wellcome onboard” gift packages. That added to daily “news” articles about millionaires that started working 16 hours a day, people in suits telling me I need to make…
This is a channel where Amazon employees, whether in tech or non tech positions, are posting their hourly pay, salaries, total compensation, benefits, and they're demographic information, to achieve transparency. It's refreshing and not something I would have expected to see in a culture like Amazon's.
Build-A-Bear accidentally paid management two quarterly bonuses this pay period. The higher ups got on an emergency conference call last night to discuss getting it back. They’ve decided to take it back from us in four installments throughout the next few weeks. I just got this email. The thought of telling my team makes me feel sick. And just for context, Build-A-Bear pays their part time managers $10/hr in states they can get away with it. There are assistant managers who don’t even make 13/hr. They never gave bonuses during COVID like some companies did. No hazard pay. Meanwhile, corporate is building a billion dollar facility that no is using because they work from home.