For anyone who is a WFH employee, and your company is either testing the waters for a return to office policy or scheduled your return, you need to fight tooth and nail and get your other colleagues to do so as well. Here are a couple real reasons why the “return to office” is happening (please add yours as well): 1) Bloated egos and self-important managers. some of these office managers whole job was to manage in-office responsibilities and workers. without that, they themselves are worried about their security as executives wisen up. so the fear is stoked and the narrative of the “lazy WFH employee” is written to get us back to the office. all the while they've been having record profits without loss in productivity. There is also the property they may be renting to justify their budget, and they'd rather force people to return than swallow their…
History of Land As A Private Possession
From page 44-46, section entitled “ENVY” The three great historical rejections: the rejection of lack of political freedom; the rejection of irrational systems of social coste; the rejection of gross inequality of wealth. The first rejection began with the French Revolution; the second is in progress; the third begins. Free enterprise, as we understand it, is to allow a man to become as rich as he likes. That is not free enterprise, but free vampirism The great twentieth-century equation is that I=you. And the great twentieth-century envy is that I am less than you. Like every other fact, this ubiquitous envy, this desire to equalize the wealth of the world, is a utility. Its use is obvious: it will force, is already forcing, in the form of the Cold War, the richer countries to disgorge their wealth, literal and metaphorical. The flaws of a utility are the seeds of its…
Who goes to work for money?
This is on my LinkedIn feed.
I think this belongs here?
Question about discussing wages
I understand there is a law/statute that protects you if you discuss wages at the workplace. Could someone please let me know what it is. Thanks