Hey y'all, I'm right off the heels of this (just happened last night) and just needed somewhere to vent. I worked for a small business (technically a chain but we had all of 3 people working at a time max) and to make a long story short, I was the only one besides the owner who knew how to do half the stuff this job demanded. The holidays were our busiest time and, before they'd begun, I requested some time off in the future since I knew the owner was going through medical treatment and wanted to be courteous by adjusting my schedule around theirs. Big mistake. To make a long story short, they blew up at me when I tried to actually go through with the plans, refusing to grant even a single extra day and actually expecting me to cancel last minute plans that unexpectedly came up to…
More on Teachers Striking in Puerto Rico
Saw this on Instagram… made me chuckle
Long time lurker here. I understand that some of you have been around since this sub had 14 people, you disagree with this person’s views or that person’s comment. It needs to stop. I am all for uprooting the system as much as the next antiworker, but let’s be real. It’s going to take a long time and a lot of small victories before we start seeing major victories that lead to real changes. I don’t care if you’re an anarchist, a social democrat, or anything else on the spectrum. I don’t care if your end goal is fair work conditions or not having to work at all. We are NOWHERE near either of those right now. If you’re both against the shit conditions we have now and want to see change for the better, YOU ARE ON THE SAME TEAM. That has to be good enough for now. Once…
Obviously the way the general public perceives unions has become really negative. This has overall drove wages way down. Benefits have gotten worse, or in some cases become non-existent. First things first, the term union needs to die, and be replaced with something better. The first step is to unite republicans and democrats again. Second, let’s abolish or lower minimum wage. This whole discussion of a “minimum wage” has created a society of people who want to do the bare minimum, and just accept that’s all they will do. Pitiful, imagine if farmers had the same mindset and there was no excess. Food prices would not be just inflated (like they are now) but would literally be unaffordable Third, if you want good benefits YOU CAN WORK FOR IT YOU ENTITLED FUCKS. Do you really think Jeff bezos, bill gates, and Elon became so wealthy by doing nothing? No, they…
i want to see both sides of the argument