
Appropriate time to mention raise

At what point in time is it acceptable to ask for a raise? I started at 15.50 in December but man do I want/need more money. I'm making the most money I've ever made but I'm still living check to check. I get have difference at 16.50 but I still wish I could be paid more.


Micromanaging is never the right answer.

My last boss was a hawk when it came to watching what I was doing despite being there for two years; he always came to work late for 6 months straight, and then gave me a lot of shit for defending myself whenever I didn’t comply to his word/make conversation with him like I did with everyone else. I really wanted this new job to work out but sometimes, it feels like I will always be destined to work for bosses who don’t trust me, or don’t think I’m hardworking (which is really insulting). The new job had a staff that have been working with each other for YEARS, so it’s obvious that they know each other well enough. I wasn’t demanding trust; I was simply wanting to be left alone to do my tasks so I can actually do them in a timely manner. I kept getting interrupted while…


Minimum wage for hospitality in 2022 is only 12c higher than wages given to children employed during the Industrial Revolution.

Children employed in 1760 worked 11 hour days at roughly 0.60c a day. Adjusted for inflation, that's $22.20 a day, or $2.01 an hour. Now I could be wrong, as I'm not American, but don't your restaurant staff only get paid like $2.13 as a base pay? This is tragic.


The answers i got whilst asking for advice with controlling parents. Apparently i need to pull my bootstraps a little harder


Movie recomendation

Yesterday I watched a Spanish movie that constantly reminded me to this sub. I wouldn't like to spoil any of the plot, but I can tell you it triggered from the beginning. It's absolutely relatable about how bosses think their employees are property and how they think they have the right to step on anyone to achieve their goals. Couldn't find any way to watch it in english or with english subtitles, but I'll leave here the link to the wikipedia article so you can look for it in sites I maybe don't know here is the link


You wonder why you get paid so little?.. Here is the corporate perspective for you.

Corporate America and its accountants view salaries payable to its employees/workers as a liability. Workers are a liability- NOT an asset. (The bourgeoisie, aka those who own all means of production and most of societies wealth, loves to say we are; but thats not what the executive staff & shareholders think). Workers comp is a liability. ANYTHING that has to do with revenue leaving the companies hands and into yours, is an expense, and ultimately hurts net income for the company. HR and middle management exists to manage and reduce the liabilities. Everything ranging from health & wellness to diversity & inclusion, are all methods to reduce a potential lawsuit against the company and a leak of cash. You are a liability and you are expendable. You either produce more than you are worth or you will get replaced. In the meantime, executive staff and leaders of company operations will…


Pennsylvania Professor Gets Roasted on Twitter After Finding Out He Makes ‘Way Less’ Money Than Manager at Panda Express


I work for a popular DIY store in the uk earning minimum wage and just found out my store manager makes 4 times what we do.

I work at one of those orange apron DIY stores, I overheard a few of the managers discussing the bosses pay in their office, I overheard it from the break room as they seemed disgruntled. Turns out the guy makes almost 70k a year. He comes in for maybe 4 hours at a time, and always early in the morning so he misses peak business hours and gets the rest of his day off. Genuinely not a very nice man, drags his staff through the shit. He doesn't understand why no one respects him and why we have such a high turnover of staff. When he gets asked questions he just doesn't know the answers to them because he's never on the shop floor to learn them. Honestly sack that man and spread that money across your staff. We have a stupid system where you get a “note” everytime you're…


Fuck Warby Parker

Had my last day yesterday so I can finally get this all off my chest. Fuck this company. It doesn't matter how long you work there, you will not get a raise. I was making $15 an hour but I had to not only sell glasses, I had to know how to read prescriptions, know if certain prescriptions would work on a person and guide them to glasses that fit, and take eye measurements/do prescription checks. They expect you to know so much and you can't even get tipped for it The average optician in my state makes $28 an hour and the opticians I worked with made $18. This obviously led to being short staffed and overworking the opticians we did have until they quit. They don't do commissions so no matter how much you sell, you won't see any compensation for it, but you will be reprimanded for…


This is America’s Endboss